Palm oil industry has been profoundly developed and has created significant contribution to Malaysian economy. However, this has produced enormous wastes and pollution tat has emerged as a major environmental problem. To avoid further environmental degradation and social costs Malaysian government has enacted Environmental Quality Act 1974, as the basis for controlling the pollution through a combination of regulatory approach and economic instrument in a form of polluter pays principle (PPP). The amount of effluent-related fee payable to the Government was linked to the BOD load of the effluent discharged onto land, watercourse or both. The amount of fee collected dropped sharply in the first year and continuously dropped overtime. The amount collected dropped despite the increase in the number of oil palm mills operating in the country. As a result, degree of pollution also decreased significantly leading to favorable change in environmental quality in the palm oil industry. It shows that the application of PPP in the Palm Oil Industry has been quite thriving, but it is recommended for the industries to take further benefits of developing green technologies to process other possible benefits such as biogas.
Key words: Polluters Pay
Principle, compliance, environmental quality, palm oil industry.
Kata kunci: Prinsip
Pencemar Bayar, Kepatuhan, Kualitas Lingkungan, industri kelapa sawit
For full paper, look at: https://www.academia.edu/8778056/Application_of_Polluter_Pays_Principle_for_Improving_Environmental_Quality_in_the_Palm_Oil_Industry_of_Malaysia_A_Success_Story
For full paper, look at: https://www.academia.edu/8778056/Application_of_Polluter_Pays_Principle_for_Improving_Environmental_Quality_in_the_Palm_Oil_Industry_of_Malaysia_A_Success_Story
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